Author: Tara

Three Major Reasons To Host A Massive Event

True fans are hard to find and precious. Just a few can change everything. What they demand, though, is generosity and bravery. – Seth Godin A huge marketing activity will definitely get your IT Reseller Company noticed, not only by your existing and potential customers, but also by the leaders in your industry. It should […]

Why Do You Cut Your Marketing Funds?

The one thing I will never understand is this: When a company faces financial troubles and prospects are dire, the first budget they cut is the marketing budget. It’s so backwards because you will ultimately rely on marketing to bring in new customers and to remind your existing customers of how awesome you are. So […]

Multiple Pots of Money

I have $100 billion. You realize I could spend $3 million a day, every day, for the next 100 years. And that’s if I don’t make another dime. – Bill Gates That’s a lot of money, Bill. Imagine, if you will dear reader, what you could do with $3 million a day. That is around […]

Planning Is Key For Successful Vendor Funded Marketing Claims

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer As we said in our one of our other articles, vendor funded marketing doesn’t carry over. If you do not use the funds available to you during the time frame, then […]

Use It Or Lose It

“Time – Use it or lose it. Time, like a snowflake, disappears while we’re trying to decide what to do with it. The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time.” – Leo Kennedy Time, money, your mind: All of these are said to disappear if you do not use them. In […]

Tap Into Your Distributor For Vendor Funding

“The art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.” – Georg Cantor It is so true: there is value in asking the right questions. Without it, you will always sit at your desk and not know any better because you have never asked the question. The sad fact is […]

Achieve Your B-BBEE Procurement Goals with Us

You can score some major B-BBEE points by procuring from The Marketing Hub. After all, having a good B-BBEE scorecard will ensure that you are being considered for business in all sectors. Under the new B-BBEE codes, it is required that at least 15% of your total procurement must be from 51% black owned companies. […]

When Internal Resources Are Not Enough

Picture this scenario: You have reached the end of the day and feel exhaustion creeping in. You look at all the tasks you have ticked off on your to-do list and feel accomplished. But then you notice the one task you have allocated to yourself: explore vendor funded marketing. You have no doubt read all […]

Digital Transformation In The Modern Enterprise

The Marketing Hub was proud to facilitate Commvault’s event, entitled “Digital Transformation In The Modern Enterprise.” The focus was around data management and security, a current and important topic, considering the security issues that the IT world has encountered in recent times. The event had a high attendance rate with some members from FNB, Standard […]

vendor funded marketing precision

Be Accurate And Precise Or It Will Cost You

Be precise. A lack of precision is dangerous when the margin of error is small. – Donald Rumsfeld Vendor funded marketing can be quite intimidating. We have personally met with quite a few resellers who are afraid of putting out their bowl to catch the gold raining down from vendors. Some do not even know […]