July 21 2017 0Comment

Tap Into Your Distributor For Vendor Funding

“The art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it.”

– Georg Cantor

It is so true: there is value in asking the right questions. Without it, you will always sit at your desk and not know any better because you have never asked the question. The sad fact is that while you do not know any better, invaluable opportunities will pass by your door and not bother to knock. This may not seem fair because it is not even your fault. After all, you do not know what you do not know, right? If you do not know what the right questions are, you will obviously not be able to ask them. “So just what is the right question,” you may ask.
Glad you asked! Since we want to help IT resellers to achieve their full potential, we want to ensure that you do not miss out on these exciting opportunities that might otherwise pass you by. And that all-important question you need to ask is:

Does My Distributor Have Vendor Funding That I Can Tap Into?

That is an excellent question, don’t you think? The truth is that there is plenty of money about. After knowing what to ask, you only need to know where to look and whom to ask.

For instance, if you have a good marketing plan to drive a certain brand’s technology, and that brand does not allocate marketing funding directly to you, you might still be able to access marketing funding via a different source. Vendors often allocate the funding to the distributor to help drive lead generation with their channel partners. If you ask your distributor, you could be surprised to hear how they can help you to access funding in order to help drive your marketing activity.

These scenarios do play out; we have personally seen this happen for some of our clients. The lesson we have learnt from those experiences is that all you have to do is come up with the right plan and ask the right people the right questions. Get in touch with us by filling out the form found on the Contact Us page and ask us about vendor funded marketing.


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