Month: October 2017

Vendors Will Think You Are King

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” Og Mandino If you do your best now, you will eventually become the best. That is how I understand this quote, and this brings me to today’s topic: When you do your best when it comes to vendor funded marketing, then you will […]

Use Vendor Funded Marketing For Skills Development

CFO: What happens if we train them and they leave? CEO: What happens if we don’t and they stay? You’ve probably seen this little gag before. Has this conversation ever been heard in your boardroom? As you know, skills development is any company’s social responsibility and it will help your BBBEE score at the same […]

Use Vendor Funded Marketing To Go To International Conferences

Last time, we talked about whisking away your preferred clients to Silicon Valley to immerse them in the latest technology that you want to sell to them. But did you know that vendor funded marketing could also enable you to take your clients to global conferences? You read that right. Your vendor can cover the […]