Content Is King
– The Title Of The 1996 Bill Gates Essay
Back in good ol’ 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay on the future of content on the Internet. He said that content is where the real Internet money would be and he was not wrong. Fast forward to the present day and you will find blog posts, website copy, sales letters, and everything else in between residing on the internet. Someone somewhere is writing every single word and being paid for it. But with an oversaturated content market, we find that content is only worth something if it is current and relevant. Have you ever looked at a website that has not been updated regularly and that still mentions specials from a few months ago? I would guess that you navigated away without even thinking of contacting them for more information on their service or product.
But Where Do I Find The Time And Money For Content?
This is the real snag when it comes to content creation. When you are running a business, you probably have a deficit in both time and money. Consistently writing your own content will cost you time, and if you were to hire somebody to do the writing for you, you would need to pay that individual for his or her time as well as their expertise. So how do you keep your company’s website up-to-date and relevant without spending time and money?
The Answer Is Content Syndication
Your vendors are the key to content syndication. They have already developed content about their products, and by using content syndication, you can pull content from your vendor’s website and display it on your website. Best of all, this method allows you to automate the updates. When your vendor updates their content, your website automatically shows the new content. Just imagine: Your website can be fresh and informative at no cost to you. Isn’t that so?
At The Marketing Hub, we have years of experience with vendors and know all of the tricks of the trade. We are here to help resellers work smarter, not harder, by tapping into all that the vendors have to offer. If you would like to find out more about content syndication, then fill in the form on our Contact Us page and ask us about it.