“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.”
– Richard Branson
Within almost every company, especially IT reseller companies, you will have your strategy sessions and kick-off meetings. Without these meetings, you will end up without a strategy and none of your projects will be launched. That seems like a no-brainer but, eventually, what you may be putting some brainpower into is whether the costs involved are worth it. If you really have to have these meetings, and you probably know that you do, would it not be wiser to have these meetings on the cheap? Well, no. Before you start cutting corners, reread Richard Branson’s quote. It will not be fun for anyone if you skimped on your company’s important meetings. Bland, boring, banal: Let us not go with those three Bs. Besides, remember where you are reading this blog post. We at The Marketing Hub bring you amazing ways to fund your marketing activities with vendor funding. That’s right, you guessed it: You can ask your vendors to fund your kick-offs and strategy meetings instead!
But Is It Possible?
You will never know if you do not ask. Here is one way you can approach this opportunity: Tell your vendor that you have your company strategy coming up, complete with an internal conference, and ask them to fund said conference. In return, they can have a speaker slot, where their very own expert can address your entire staff audience. Imagine what your employees will learn at this conference. You may just find that this approach will positively impact their job performance by adding energy and knowledge to their lives. Your vendor will also benefit from this: more efficient and well-informed staff on your payroll would lead to more sales of their product. And as we said in our last article, you will show that you add value to your vendor because you are going above and beyond in order to involve them actively in the success of your business.
If you would like to know more about this or other vendor-funded opportunities, make sure that you fill in the form found on our Contact Us page. The Marketing Hub team has years of experience in the vendor funded marketing sector and we can help you with clever ways to use your vendor funds.